A journey to free your mind  inside running routes pt. III  [Trail Edition]

A journey to free your mind inside running routes pt. III [Trail Edition]

por Emiliano Hernandez


Sometimes, you feel tired of the city, the everyday grind, the routine. You crave inspiration, a desire to experience the post running high, a return to feeling alive. You need to disconnect to reconnect. That's when you lace up your sneakers, pack your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, grab your hydration vest, stash your energy snacks, find your keys, and head out. You leave the city behind in search of the best trail, one that not only challenges your run but also inspires and reconnects you with nature.

Mau Diaz, a man who decided to get lost in the mountains and explore the world through them, shares with us his best routes to get lost on the trails near Mexico City.


Cerro Ayaqueme - Milpa Alta [ 11km]

Milpalta is located on the border with the State of Mexico and Morelos, an hour and a half from Reforma. You arrive at a park called El Ocotal, similar to the one many runners know, but this is a different park. It’s a magical place with winding trails; Mau, in particular, loves this trail because it is relatively flat, giving you the chance to run deeply connect with and enjoy nature at its finest. As you delve into the run route, you begin to ascend to the top of a volcano, where an impressive view awaits you: you can see the majestic Popocatépetl and the imposing Iztaccíhuatl in a spectacular way and enjoy the landscape offered by the mountain. It’s an exotic and fun-filled route. 

Additionally, Mau tells us that part of the adventure of going to Milpalta is that, after running, you can delight in the delicious pulques offered by the region. Milpalta is also the birthplace of the nopal, so exploring the local markets to taste the best foods is an experience you can't miss.




Circuito Desierto de los Leones - La Venta [13km]

This trail is perfect for everyone living in the center of Mexico City. Mau tells us that this trail, in particular, is one of his favorites for many reasons. The first is its proximity, just 40 minutes from Reforma, which saves you from spending too much time on travel. This convenience makes it an ideal option for a quick escape into nature, without the need for extensive planning or long drives.

Unlike other circuits within the Desierto de los Leones, this run trail route offers a unique altimetry that allows you to engage with a variety of elevations, making the  running experience both challenging and enjoyable. The route includes exciting river crossings and fun single tracks that add to the adventure. The views it offers are simply spectacular; you can enjoy breathtaking landscapes, lush greenery, and nature at its finest.

As you navigate the trail, you'll encounter diverse terrains and ecosystems that keep the running journey interesting and dynamic. For Mau, it’s a classic; when you want to hit the trail and can’t venture into the desert, this is the go-to choice. The combination of accessibility, stunning scenery, and engaging trail features makes it a perfect option for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in the beauty of the outdoors running.




San Nicolas Totolapan [14km ]

San Nicolás Totolapan is a park that offers a wide variety of running trails for all skill levels, located just 50 minutes from Reforma. Mau recommends thoroughly exploring this park due to its natural richness and the meticulous care it receives. The nature reserve boasts well-maintained trails that wind through breathtaking landscapes, featuring dense vegetation and sweeping panoramic views of the surrounding areas.

This park is especially beloved by hiking and trail running enthusiasts for its diverse terrain, which includes both challenging technical sections and more accessible paths. It's an ideal escape for urban dwellers seeking to reconnect with nature without venturing far from the heart of Mexico City. The tranquil atmosphere and the serenity of its trails make San Nicolás Totolapan a haven for anyone seeking an unforgettable outdoor running adventure.




Valle del Conejo  - Portero [16km]

Valle del Conejo is a challenging running trail known for its considerable ascent. located just 60 minutes from Reforma.  This route includes Cerro del Muñeco and connects with Desierto de los Leones, offering long and enjoyable running adventures. However, this version of the trail takes the challenge a step further, pushing you to your limits. As you traverse the route, you leave the State of Mexico and enter Mexico City. Along the way, you can spot obelisks that mark the division between the two entities.

The running trail is quite fun, featuring a mix of single tracks and open running routes, surrounded by abundant pine trees. The diverse terrain allows you to enjoy a variety of running experiences, from technical and narrow sections to more open and clear areas. This combination makes Valle del Conejo ideal for runners and hikers seeking a complete and enriching adventure in the heart of nature.




Volcan Tlaloc [ 20km]

Volcán Tláloc, located in the Milpalta area, is the second highest mountain in Mexico City, after Ajusco. Just 1 hour and 20 minutes from Reforma, this running trail is quite demanding due to its significant elevation, but it is perfect for a complete disconnection with yourself and nature.

The route takes you through impressive landscapes and diverse ecosystems, offering a unique running experience for hiking and trail running enthusiasts. The tranquility and majesty of the surroundings make every step worthwhile. Additionally, along the route, you can enjoy panoramic views that include vast stretches of vegetation and unique geological formations, allowing you to appreciate the region's biodiversity.

At the end of the run, you can indulge in local delicacies, such as traditional pulque and delicious regional food, adding a special touch to this unforgettable adventure. Volcán Tláloc not only offers a physical challenge but also an opportunity to reconnect with nature and enjoy local culture and cuisine.

